This game was developed for fun. This has been a hobby project for us, over the summer of 2019. This was developed by Paradox Programming (theParadox42), tannerderp, and with some additional help from our friend Howard (AKA Hayden, AKA Fearsome Froggy). If you want to tell us how you feel about this game, just give me an email at Thanks for playing! We hoped you enjoyed our game, we sure enjoyed making it! This game is licensed under the GNU License that you can download here, or view it here here. This game is open sourced, which basically means anyone can view the code, and point out bugs and suggestions. If you are a programmer, feel free to check it out at github, and point out any issues you find here too.
Sleepy Tom wakes up, views the news, and realizes that he was supposed to board the rocket today, like an hour ago. Realizing that he could still make it, he books it to the rocket. He arrives just in time for it to leave without him.
Tom decides to build his own rocket, and starts to look for the parts. After collecting them all, he puts the together using epic skills and takes off for Mars.
Dodging asteroids, Tom takes a pitstop at the Moon, where he meets the ledgendary Man On The Moon, who tells him about his past and gives him his family fortune, the moon gun.
Back in space, Tom encounters a few endearing UFOs, along with a hoard of asteroids, he successfully lands on mars, only to find a note, saying that they left mars because the were attacked by martians! Even worse, he is out of fuel!
He fights off the martians, collecting fuel from them, and gets enough to leave. He fills up his rocket's fuel tank, and blasts off once again.
For the last time, Tom flies around in space, with more UFOs and asteroids than ever, Tom can barely make it past them. Just when he thinks he made it, a giant UFO sweeps him off his course.
With no way past, Tom is forced to fight off the epic UFO boss with nothing but his "trusty" new ship. After a long fought battle, he defeats the enormous UFO and lands on Venus.